
Latest releases of HIFIS

Full Changelog

Minor Release


  • The Point-in-Time (PiT) Count Module: reactivation of the optional brain injury question and new validation process to avoid duplicate survey numbers
  • Unique identifier list: addition of columns to the export and new filter options in the module
  • Improved translation: revision and updates to reflect proper French translation across HIFIS


What's Different

Application settings

  • Added a mandatory star next to the “inactivity threshold” setting.
  • Corrected missing French translations in the application settings.


  • Added validation messages to all assessments in HIFIS to notify users of any fields missing a response.


  • Users can now delete comments entered in the comment tab Note: Comments can only be deleted by the original author or by using the HIFIS admin account. This also applies to replies
  • Fixed bug causing duplicate entries of some actions in the audit log
  • Using the “create and add member” short cut in the family module is properly reflected in the client’s audit log
  • Fixed issues that would reset the housing status of a client to "unknown" after editing a client’s vitals

Coordinated access

  • New filter options in the Coordinated Access module: geographical region, gender
  • Add new data fields to the unique identifier list export: tri-morbidity, percentage of housing history completed over last 30 days, file number, date client record was created, geographic region
  • The Unique Identifier List now looks at the total days homeless, as opposed to the housing status, to determine if a client is chronically homeless


  • HIFIS application now verifies the database version when the application starts
  • New parameter for application version added to the database script. This will let HIFIS know which updates to run during installation


  • Fixed the missing consent drop down values when using the “create and add family member” short cut.

Financial profile

  • Added a drop down to the “pay frequency” field in the financial expense form.

Group activities

  • Client names now appear under the demographics tab of the group activities page.

Housing history

  • Reintroduced the housing loss prevention short cut.

Housing unit

  • Fixed error when attempting to add a housing maintenance record
  • Aligned the "filter options" button in the housing unit module

Look-up tables

  • Removed all the blank look-up tables: storage outcome, building type, relation to parent, school enroll problem, client flag, food item, parent situation, funding category, session
  • Added translation for “reason housing not secured”
  • Updated the service provider type: violence against women. New value: violence against women – emergency shelter
  • Added a new service provider type value: “violence against women – transition house”
  • Users can now add custom values to the following look-up tables on the waiting list module: waiting request status, waiting request reason

PiT Count

  • Reintroduced the optional brain injury question to the PiT count survey
  • HIFIS now verifies that a survey number is not already in use before saving a PiT survey entered using “data entry survey”


  • Removed icons for pages users were not granted the right to.

Service provider

  • Fixed loophole that let users with access to the service provider module to access the HIFIS administrator’s profile
  • “Address line 1” is now mandatory when editing a service provider record


  • Resolved irregular time out issue when using HIFIS in French.
  • Fixed the trigger for 2 factor authentication to send codes to users
  • Added LegacyIDs for the new service provider types values introduced in release 59.1 of HIFIS. This change will solve some known issues with data imports/exports
  • Aligned HIFIS look-up values with HIFIS 3 legacyID values
  • HIFIS now uses a 24-hour clock system when the application is in French.

Various factors

  • Applied proper translation to “Legal – Bail” value
