HIFIS addresses issues related to the Point-in-Time (PiT) Count module and the export functionality required to submit PiT Count data to the Government of Canada.
What's Different
PIT Count
Fixed an issue where surveyors can abandon a survey without filling all the mandatory fields in the Survey Details. This will prevent an error message from appearing when accessing the survey list.
Fixed an issue where the number of days in question 7 would not clear if you change the responses to “Don’t Know” or “Decline to Answer” after entering a value in the field.
Fixed an issue where the city selected in question 7b would disappear when editing a survey.
Question 8b-14-15 - Fixed an issue where using the “Add an Option” function was not saving custom responses.
Don't bother with this one. If you're thinking about it, go with
What's Different
Activity Status
Fixed an issue where clients marked as "Deceased" or "Archived" were incorrectly changed to "Active" or "Inactive" after updating to version
60.4 Deceased Clients are inactive
in updating to 60.4 - all of our Clients that were previously deceased were marked as inactive.
HICC is aware and is currently working on a solution 🤞
#238Kat L
PIT Count
Question 1b When using “Other (not in list) as a response, the custom response entered now appears in the export.
Question 1b Fixed an issue where custom responses no longer appeared after a survey was saved and edited.
Question 2 When a respondent indicates that they have a pet, the “Pet(s)” values now appears in the export.
Question 2 If the partner indicates having a pet, they are labeled as "Pet," but the
export still shows a partner being present with the same family head.
Questions 3-5-6-7 Corrected an issue in the Live Surveys - Paging mode where navigating between questions or editing after saving caused the "Age" and "Duration" fields to reset to zero.
Question 8 The "Province" field clears after saving the survey, preventing it from being included in the export.
Question 14 The PiTLnkMult file now correctly categorizes and reflects the custom responses for "Reasons for Housing Loss" and "Sources of Income" as per user selection.
Question 15 The responses selected now appear in the export.
Big changes to activity and inactivity which might have big impacts on your Coordinated Access data. We recommend rigorous testing before updating.
Big changes to activity and inactivity
Fixed bug preventing Housing Loss Prevention subsidies from being edited or deleted
What's Different
Activity and Inactivity
The clients state will now be based on the date an activity took place as opposed to when it was entered in HIFIS.
Activity status derived from audit log not service dates
There is an issue when determining when a client becomes active/inactive. It is derived from the audit log but it should not be. So I just added a Goods & Services transaction. By all accounts, adding a Goods & Services transaction counts as activity. I added it to a currently inactive client, but I backdated the start date to a week ago. However, the client State Change History indicates that the client only became active today, and they should have become active last week.
I continue to suggest that activity should be determined from the HIFIS_Services table, not the HIFIS_AuditLog table for this reason.
#135Ali Ryder
The following actions now consitute Activity: Adding a new appointments record; Adding a new consent record; and Adding a new turn away record.
Cases and housing placement records will maintain a client’s active status as long as they remain open.
The following actions no longer count as Activity: Adding a comment to a case management record; Adding a session to a case management record; Adding a follow-up to a housing placement record; Adding a placement attempt to a housing placement record.
The inactivity threshold is now set and locked at 90 days.
The Inactivity Threshold field has been removed from the cluster settings.
All client activity records have been recalculated to align with the new 90-day inactivity threshold.
Application Settings
Resolved an issue where newly entered attestation messages were not saving properly.
Can't modify attestation text
On 60.2.1, go to Cluster Settings and modify Attestation text. Hit save. It should say green "Data saved." However, open the Cluster settings again and you will see that the change has not been applied.
#14Ali Ryder
Update labels in the cluster settings
Case Management
Added "Referred From" and "Referred To" fields
Added functionality to ensure a merge comment is left on the remaining client after a merge.
Fixed an issue that prevented clients aged 50-62 from being flagged as veterans.
Enabled editing or removal of the Consent End Date for the "Declined - Anonymous" Consent Type.
Resolved an issue where clients with expired consent were not exposed to the cluster.
Clients disappearing after consent expires
When a client that previously had Declined - Anonymous consent, but subsequently has an Explicit consent, and then the Explicit consent expired, the client will revert to being hidden from the previous Declined - Anonymous consent. The client can only be activated again by the original service provider.
This seems to be related to a fix/new in
#45Sara L
Data Export
The Client State and the associated Date of Change are now exported with client records.
Corrected an issue where some fields displayed "Select an Option" as a value.
Directory of Services
Fixed an issue where international addresses were not displayed when viewing a record.
Fixed an issue where workflow diversion attempts did not appear in the Client Activity Log.
Improved the alignment consistency of the workflow diversion form.
Addressed an error that occurred when the description contained more than one line.
Group Activities
Added an error message when assigning a client with an active service restriction to a group activity.
Housing History
Fixed an issue where deleting a Housing History record left orphaned records.
Housing Loss Prevention
Users can now delete subsidies from Housing Loss Prevention records.
13401: Can not Edit or Delete a Subsidy
In 60.2 you cannot edit or delete a subsidy.
When trying to edit, you get a "Loading" message that never clears.
When trying to delete you receive an error in the right corner that says item failed to delete.
Tested for both Housing Placement and Housing Loss Prevention.
Added and secured a unit.
Moved in
Went to the Subsidy tab within the Housing Placement record and added a new subsidy
Once created I used the edit option (pencil) to try and edit and it kept loading
I went back to the record and tried to delete the subsidy and received the item failed to delete.
Ticket #13401
#6Christie S
Housing Placement
Added "Referred From" and "Referred To" fields
PIT Count
The latest versions of the VI-SPDAT are now used for Registry Week.
Fixed an issue where switching from English to French in the scrolling version deleted numerical values.
Corrected alignment issues in the Event Details page.
Fixed an issue in Question 1b, where users were not allowed to select an option.
Properly organized the values in Question 13.
Resolved an issue where selecting a community deleted other responses in Question 8.
Removed the dependency on hifis.ca from the Report module.
Fixed an issue where Turnaways Client Service was not updating in the database.
Added an attachment feature for HIFIS user files to allow better file management.
Resolved an issue where multiple volunteers could not be added using the Excel template.
Users with the "Get new reports" right can no longer view custom reports from other Service Providers.
"Get New Reports" right causes unintended additional access
An admin staff I was working with was concerned that they could access reports that were "private" to only one service provider, while they were logged in somewhere else. So I tested it out and figured out the root issue.
For context though, here's the steps to reproduce:
Configure a CUSTOM report to only be visible at one Service Provider. In my screenshot above, the SP I have is "Region of Oz"Grant a user access to ONLY a service provider that is not the one selected above. Give them rights that include Log On, Display Reports, Generate Reports, and View Report Manager (but no other rights in the Report Manager category)Log in as that user. Go to the Report Manager and attempt to locate the report.Report should NOT appear, as expected (this is good)Now, modify the same user account and grant the right to "Get New Reports"Log in as that user. Go to the Report Manager and attempt to locate the report.The report WILL now appear, along with every other report that exists in HIFIS.
I think that the Get New Reports right is probably intended to provide access to HIFIS Reports (not Custom Reports) that have not yet been deployed to the HIFIS instance. But I don't think it's supposed to grant access to Custom Reports that have been uploaded but are attached to other service providers a user doesn't have access to.
#2Ali Ryder
Database Changes
Removed InactivityThreshold column from HIFIS_Cluster
New Issues
Reactivated Clients - 60.4
In 60.4 Clients are active way past the 90 day threshold (and are reactivated during the update) some of these clients have never had a service and are active despite being created years ago- causing the numbers of active clients to Spike.
HICC is aware of this and is currently working on the issue
#239Kat L
In progress
60.4 Deceased Clients are inactive
in updating to 60.4 - all of our Clients that were previously deceased were marked as inactive.
HICC is aware and is currently working on a solution 🤞
#238Kat L
Being booked at a shelter no longer refreshes activity daily - 60.4
Clients currently in shelter appear to not have their activity status reset every day if they are actively booked into shelter.
So instead of 0 days, all clients who have been booked in shelter are showing last activity day as the day of the update instead of 0 days.
#240Kat L
Ongoing Known Issues
14971: Editing Client Vitals sets Chronically Homeless Status to 'No'
When editing a client’s vitals in HIFIS and 60.4, the HIFIS application sets the client’s Chronically Homeless status to ‘No’, regardless of the client's current Chronically Homeless status. This may cause the Chronically Homeless status of some clients to be reported incorrectly by the application. Ticket 14971.
#224Ryan B
Updating to 60.3 or 60.4 is slow
Updating to 60.2 is slow because 60.2 introduces a new script that calculates chronicity for all clients, and takes ages. But we would expect that updating from 60.2 --> 60.3 or 60.3 --> 60.4 should run more quickly, right? Turns out that the update scripts to 60.3 and 60.4 will re-run the chronicity script introduced in causing unnecessary slowness during update.
#222Ali Ryder
Financial Profile records duplicating
In testing 60.3 we have found an issue with records duplicating under the Financial Profile area. This appears to be affecting all 4 tabs within the Financial Profile section.
Whenever you add a record under Income, Expenses, Assets or Debts when there is already a record, the new record is added multiple times.
For example,
I added a “Employment - Casual" record under Incomes on client # 5624 on the demo site. Adding the first record seems to work properly.I then added a new income record for “OW” and two were createdI then added another new record for “Panhandling” which was created 3 times.Adding a fourth record for “Disability Benefits” resulted in 4 records being created
#4Christie S
Next version
Case Management > View All Session Details Blank
In testing 60.3 we have found an issue with the “View All Session Details” button in the Case Management area.
To see this, create a new case management record, or open a client that already has an open case management record, either from Front Desk > Case Management, or from Client Management > Case Management. Then Click on the Display button to view the details.
What we expect to see here is a summary of all sessions attached to the case management record.
In our production environment (v4. we see a summary of all sessions attached to the case management record.
#215Christie S
Housing Status: Incorrectly displaying as "Unknown"
Known bug that happens a LOT! Clients show up as “Unknown” housing status even when there is data that should give them a different status! More detail in the comments.
#156Ali Ryder
In progress
14885: Chronic Homelessness mismatch
We updated our production environment to build 60.3 on Wednesday and have noticed some inconsistencies between the “Chronic Homelessness Y/N” field from the CA module and what is reported under the new “Chronically Homeless” Yes/No field available on the client profile.
We use the CA module in order to run our local prioritization, so it’s important that we understand how it’s working and why the Y/N fields aren’t matching with what HIFIS is saying for the client on their profile.
This example client shows “Yes” for the new Chronically Homeless field on the client profile. Please see the relevant housing history for this client below as well.
From the CA Module, looking for this same client, he is reporting “N” under Chronic Homelessness Y/N. Here is a query demonstrating the relevant fields:
FROM vw_CoordinatedAccess as CA
WHERE ClientID = 125
I am attempting to troubleshoot to trace the issue back to the source, but I thought I would start by reporting it and provide a sample query to the devs to demonstrate the issue.
,CA.ChronicallyHomelessYN as CAChronicallyHomelessYN
,HIFIS_Clients.IsChronicallyHomelessYN as ClientProfileChronicallyHomelessYN
FROM vw_CoordinatedAccess as CA
INNER JOIN HIFIS_Clients on CA.ClientID = HIFIS_Clients.clientID
WHERE CA.ChronicallyHomelessYN <> HIFIS_Clients.IsChronicallyHomelessYN
The following query is currently giving us 126 results (with 1376 total results from vw_CoordinatedAccess). 69 of the 126 are showing Y for Chronic in the CA Module, and N for Chronic on the client profile. The remaining 57 are showing N for Chronic in the CA Module, and Y for Chronic on the client profile.
There are a few annoying but relatively minor bugs outstanding, but this is a noteworthy version because it has a bunch of bug fixes, and it doesn't have the activity changes that came with, if those are a deal-breaker for you.
However, notice came on September 26 that the PIT Count module must be updated to 60.4 for the 2024 PIT Count. Data Export isn't working properly.
New Veteran Summary form
Updated PiT Count module with 2024 version of the survey
What's Different
Application Settings
Introduced a configuration option to prompt users for attestation after a specified period of time.
Updated headers and tool tips for SPDAT/VI-SPDAT assessments.
Moved question 9 and 10 of the VI-SPDAT Family V3 survey to the correct category.
Corrected pagination implementation for bulletins on the domain side.
Case Management
Added "Case Worker" to filter options.
Added pagination to the case management sessions list for improved navigation performance.
Resolved rendering inconsistency for apostrophes in HIFIS name fields in client vitals.
Fixed issues with duplicate “unknown” housing statuses.
Duplicated Unknown housing status on client created date
I have a total of 36 clients. I found the issue for 7 clients including Anonymous, Anonymous, that's around 20% of clients affected.
I tested the demo site and the issue is present for over 1200 clients. Here are some examples of affected clients: all clients between 2,881 and 2,895 inclusive; 2,723; 800; 259.... there's lots.It's always duplicated Unknown status. Every time. I haven't found a duplicated status that wasn't Unknown.It's always the same client becoming unknown a bunch of times at the exact same timestamp.The timestamp is the same timestamp as the client created date.There are always 77 copies of the duplicated unknown status. The number 77 probably has to do with something in my database. I tested on demo.hifis.ca and the number was 615. I don't know what I have 77 of and demo.hifis.ca has 615 of, but there's probably something.
#1Ali Ryder
Fixed the “Display Client Vitals” right being associated to the wrong right.
Rights to Client Vitals
When we assign rights to a user, either via individual rights or a Template, sometimes the rights related to client vitals don't apply properly. So in the section Client Details > Vitals, there are 4 rights. I commonly want to assign Add Vitals, Edit Vitals, and Display Vitals, but not Ability to Hide Clients.
If I individually check off the rights, then the user won't actually have access to the Vitals tab. However, if I hit the "select all" parent right, and then remove Ability to Hide Clients, the rights the user has end up being exactly the same, but it works properly in that case. So there's something misconfigured, but I don't know what exactly.
Here's a video: https://www.loom.com/share/405270bb37db481ebe414982f14f4c7e?sid=38ccf871-6bca-41c0-9216-819d63fc84de
#8Ali Ryder
Resolved issue where client search was not generating expected results.
Client Search not working as expected
The Client Search is really different than in our current production version ( Is it working the way you expect it to? For example, to get to my client John William Test (Alias 1 Jonathan Silly Pants), it no longer works to search jo te or wi pa. john test doesn't work either, you have to type in test, john. But jonathan silly works. Is that by design? Absurdly, han sil works.
#40Kristina N
Fixed Alias 2 field not being searchable.
Improved performance for Client Search by optimizing Racial Identity handling.
Added an option to divert a client after their file has been created.
Coordinated Access
Reduced the number of decimal places in percentage housing history to two.
Missing data points now appear as "0" or "unknown".
Added a new rights option to allow users to access the Coordinated Access Summary.
Added the ability to return the diversion workflow instructions to the default text.
Added Diversion to the list of activities.
Diversion does not count as activity
Adding a Diversion record does not make a client active or keep a client active
#87Ali Ryder
Added a "Housed Safely" question to page 3 of the diversion workflow.
Housed Safely Last Night missing from workflow
On the Diversion Attempt screen (one-page version) there is a field called "Housed Safely Last Night"
However, I'm noticing that the same field is not present anywhere in the Diversion Workflow, not on any page. I believe it should be on page 3, which is about Last Night's Housing.
#84Ali Ryder
Added the ability to create a new person (People) from the diversion form.
Added Housing History preview to the standard Diversion form.
Diversion records are now listed when a family member has been added to the diversion form.
Fixed date fields in HIFIS_Services to correctly use the diversion record date instead of the created date.
Resolved issue where the number of anonymous clients resets after editing an encampment.
Fixed 'Anonymous Clients' label being covered by the associated field.
Group Activities
Included group activities in the client activity log.
Group Activities not in Audit Log
This is a duplication of https://hifisfeedback.acreconsulting.ca/b/6vrrdwev/feature-ideas/actions-missing-in-audit-log but it’s important enough to merit its own post.
When a client is added as an attendee in a Group Activity, there is no corresponding record generated in the Audit Log.
However, adding the client to the Group Activity does count as activity, so the client’s date of recent activity is updated and if they were inactive, they become active once more.
#126Ali Ryder
Added the ability to delete documents in incident records.
Look-up Tables
Updated look-up values to align with the Homelessness Glossary for Communities terminology.
Added "Dosage Type" to the list of look-up tables to allow uses to customize the values.
Medication Dispensing
Changed 'Pill Count' label to 'Unit Count' to accommodate different types of medication.
Allowed medication dispensing for clients that aren't admitted to a Service Provider. Note: Only the service provider who is the owner of the medication record will be able to dispense medication to a client.
Added a filter to view outreach service records within a specific time frame.
Introduced a non-map view for locations attached to outreach services.
PiT Count
Updated the PiT Count module with the 2024 version of the survey.
Added validation to Question 3 of the survey to screen out respondents below the age of 13.
Limited possible answers for Question 7 based on the response to Question 6.
Introduced an "Abandoned" button to the Data Entry Survey.
Added “Enumeration” as a value in the "Reason for Abandoned Survey" table.
Exported questionnaires now validate null values in answered questions.
Added proper validation for blank date and time fields when creating a reservation.
Service Provider
Created a new table to record changes to Service Provider details.
Implemented restrictions to limit user access rights when creating a new service provider.
Corrected parent Service Provider list display when editing settings of a Service Provider outside the current cluster.
Parent Service Provider only shows service providers in current cluster
On the Add/Edit Service Provider screens, the Parent Service Provider drop-down menu only shows service providers in the current cluster.
#34Ali Ryder
Service Restriction
Fixed the sorting feature for the "Reason for Restriction" column in the Service Restriction list.
Province and city information is no longer mandatory for addresses outside Canada.
Updated the DateGreaterThan validation message for clarity.
Aligned HIFIS logo properly on all window sizes.
Display issue on HIFIS header on login screen
I noticed when I resized my browser, my v60 instance is no longer displaying aligned.
My browser width at the time was about 980px.
#49Ali Ryder
Fixed incorrect link in the Housing History out-of-date banner.
Ensured turn aways list shows records when a client is added as a family member.
Fixed the Quick Access Button functionality in the new HIFIS update.
Corrected the password reset URL to include the missing prefix.
Reset Password Link broken
In 4.0.60, when users are sent a password reset link, the host (first) portion of the URL is missing.
For example, it will say: "Please click the following link to reset your password: /Account/ResetPassword/123456"
Instead of the necessary: "https://acre.hifis.site/Account/ResetPassword/123456"
#10Sara L
Updated the Veteran module to allow for better data capturing.
Added a "Referred to VAC" date field in the Veteran Summary form.
Database Changes
New Tables:
New Known Issues
14971: Editing Client Vitals sets Chronically Homeless Status to 'No'
When editing a client’s vitals in HIFIS and 60.4, the HIFIS application sets the client’s Chronically Homeless status to ‘No’, regardless of the client's current Chronically Homeless status. This may cause the Chronically Homeless status of some clients to be reported incorrectly by the application. Ticket 14971.
#224Ryan B
Financial Profile records duplicating
In testing 60.3 we have found an issue with records duplicating under the Financial Profile area. This appears to be affecting all 4 tabs within the Financial Profile section.
Whenever you add a record under Income, Expenses, Assets or Debts when there is already a record, the new record is added multiple times.
For example,
I added a “Employment - Casual" record under Incomes on client # 5624 on the demo site. Adding the first record seems to work properly.I then added a new income record for “OW” and two were createdI then added another new record for “Panhandling” which was created 3 times.Adding a fourth record for “Disability Benefits” resulted in 4 records being created
#4Christie S
Next version
Case Management > View All Session Details Blank
In testing 60.3 we have found an issue with the “View All Session Details” button in the Case Management area.
To see this, create a new case management record, or open a client that already has an open case management record, either from Front Desk > Case Management, or from Client Management > Case Management. Then Click on the Display button to view the details.
What we expect to see here is a summary of all sessions attached to the case management record.
In our production environment (v4. we see a summary of all sessions attached to the case management record.
#215Christie S
Updating to 60.3 or 60.4 is slow
Updating to 60.2 is slow because 60.2 introduces a new script that calculates chronicity for all clients, and takes ages. But we would expect that updating from 60.2 --> 60.3 or 60.3 --> 60.4 should run more quickly, right? Turns out that the update scripts to 60.3 and 60.4 will re-run the chronicity script introduced in causing unnecessary slowness during update.
#222Ali Ryder
HIFIS automatically marks clients as "Not a Veteran" if their age falls between 50 and 62, regardless of their actual veteran status.
Present in 60.3, fixed in 60.4
#274Ali Ryder
Ongoing Known Issues
Housing Status: Incorrectly displaying as "Unknown"
Known bug that happens a LOT! Clients show up as “Unknown” housing status even when there is data that should give them a different status! More detail in the comments.
#156Ali Ryder
In progress
14885: Chronic Homelessness mismatch
We updated our production environment to build 60.3 on Wednesday and have noticed some inconsistencies between the “Chronic Homelessness Y/N” field from the CA module and what is reported under the new “Chronically Homeless” Yes/No field available on the client profile.
We use the CA module in order to run our local prioritization, so it’s important that we understand how it’s working and why the Y/N fields aren’t matching with what HIFIS is saying for the client on their profile.
This example client shows “Yes” for the new Chronically Homeless field on the client profile. Please see the relevant housing history for this client below as well.
From the CA Module, looking for this same client, he is reporting “N” under Chronic Homelessness Y/N. Here is a query demonstrating the relevant fields:
FROM vw_CoordinatedAccess as CA
WHERE ClientID = 125
I am attempting to troubleshoot to trace the issue back to the source, but I thought I would start by reporting it and provide a sample query to the devs to demonstrate the issue.
,CA.ChronicallyHomelessYN as CAChronicallyHomelessYN
,HIFIS_Clients.IsChronicallyHomelessYN as ClientProfileChronicallyHomelessYN
FROM vw_CoordinatedAccess as CA
INNER JOIN HIFIS_Clients on CA.ClientID = HIFIS_Clients.clientID
WHERE CA.ChronicallyHomelessYN <> HIFIS_Clients.IsChronicallyHomelessYN
The following query is currently giving us 126 results (with 1376 total results from vw_CoordinatedAccess). 69 of the 126 are showing Y for Chronic in the CA Module, and N for Chronic on the client profile. The remaining 57 are showing N for Chronic in the CA Module, and Y for Chronic on the client profile.
Fixes the biggest issue impacting users. Green light to deploy. Biggest outstanding issue is client search not functioning as expected.
Bug Fixes
Pagination missing on Client Search
When you use the Client Search, results show but the ability to navigate to another page is missing, so if your search result returns more than X clients, they cannot be found.
A lot of issuse with are addressed in this update, but a small number of issues were created. It's almost there! Hold off until the remaining major bugs are addressed.
Fixed issue displaying housing status records multiple times
Historical chronicity information is now stored properly in the database
Fixed rights issues linked to the diversion form
What's Different
Fixed error message when a user attempts to delete a Diversion record using the Client Service Delete module.
Users are not able to delete diversion records from the Client Service Delete module.
#53Ali Ryder
The header on the Diversion Workflow steps has been translated when using HIFIS in French.
Merging clients no longer results in an error
Can't merge clients in 60
An error related to merging clients has been brought to my attention in v60. It looks like merging any two clients throws an error. Notably though, there seems to be multiple errors thrown, and it seems somewhat random which error message you get. I've seen at least 3 different ones.
#48Ali Ryder
Fixed bug where users were not able to reserve beds that are currently being used.
Fixed bug where users were not able to deactivate a room.
Users can now add a Diversion Attempt from the Admissions module (Front Desk and Client Management menu).
The scorecard and the administration section of the VI-SPDAT v3 Adult, v3 Family, and v2 Youth are now in the same order as the survey.
Fixed bug where if your first response to a new VI-SPDAT assessment, after filling out the administration section, is to “Refuse” a question, then an error message would appear.
When editing a VAT record, the “File on Record” field has been fixed to be properly aligned.
Case Management
Fixed issue where users could not close cases.
Can't close case file in
When closing a case, get an error saying "The value '## Days' is not valid for TotalElapsedTime."
#57Brenna S
Client Details
Client’s details page now has a matching header. Client - Vitals --> Client - Details
The “Date of Death” field has been fixed and no longer appears as a dropdown field.
Date of Death
In, the Date of Death field is now, inexplicably, a drop-down menu that contains no values.
#61Ali Ryder
The “Private Service Provider” label now appears as “Fournisseur de services privé” in the client tombstone when using HIFIS in French.
Coordinated Access
Fixed issue where if there were housing records that started over 30 days ago, and ran into the “Last 30 Days”, they were not counted towards a client’s percentage housing completed statistics. Housing Records
Clients with a recent diversion attempt will now have an alert on their profile, similar to a service restriction alert.
Users can now add a housing history record to a client’s diversion record, regardless of whether they were housed safely the night before.
Here's what the official release notes say:
Edit Diversion screen is now the same for form and workflow
Edit Diversion shows different screen for workflow vs form
I'm not clear on, once you do a Diversion Workflow versus a Diversion Form, why the software remembers whether it was a Workflow or Form, and shows a different Edit form accordingly. First of all, this is unnecessary - the Workflow is only useful in the moment, and not helpful if you have to edit it for some reason.
For example, maybe you want to change the Referred From field, because the client didn't disclose it initially. If you edit the "Diversion Workflow, it'll take you back to editing page 7 and you have to first remember what page the Referred From field is on and then navigate through all the pages back to it. That's cumbersome for the user.
It also seems simpler from a development standpoint to store the data equally and not care how it was entered, much like how it doesn't matter if you do an "Express Goods" transaction or a "Goods & Services Transaction," the data is stored exactly the same and it looks the same after you've recorded it.
So, in conclusion, there should be one consistent Edit Diversion screen that you get to when you hit the Edit button, regardless of which way the Diversion was recorded, and it should take you to a one-page form that has all of the fields on one screen.
#70Ali Ryder
In progress
HIFIS_Services now has an end date for Diversions with Goods & Services attached
Blank service DateEnd for Diversions
When a Goods & Services record is attached to a Diversion record, HIFIS_Services.DateEnd is NULL.
#60Ali Ryder
Fixed bug where the “Client Information” and “Client Management” options no longer appeared when a user was on a client’s diversion list.
Users are no longer able to access modules they do not have the proper rights to from the Diversion forms.
The “Scheduled Follow-Up” field in the Workflow version of the diversion form is no longer mandatory.
Follow-up on Diversion should not be mandatory
In the Diversion module, the "Scheduled Follow-up" field should be optional, not mandatory.
For context, here's why it needs to be optional and not mandatory:
First and foremost, because there is no option to actually do a follow-up in the Diversion module! This means that every single Diversion has either an "upcoming" follow-up or a "past due" follow-up, and they are flagged as requiring attention, but there's no way to dismiss the alert saying they require attention.
Second, because not every Diversion requires follow-up. Sometimes a person is diverted by buying them a bus ticket back to their home community, in which case it might be difficult to follow up. And in other cases, it might simply be so clear that you're successful that a follow-up is not needed. Or, if you end up booking them into shelter, then you're going to be working with them in the context of them being a shelter guest and you probably wouldn't want to go back and update the Diversion record.
Third, because neither the Housing Placement module nor the Housing Loss Prevention module, which seem to be being replicated here, actually require scheduled follow-ups, so it's inconsistent.
#72Ali Ryder
Users who are editing a diversion record can now cancel the process without changing the status to “Abandoned”.
Canceling the Edit Diversion makes it Abandoned
If you Edit a Diversion sort of by accident, and then hit "Cancel" to say, oops I don't mean to actually change anything, it says it will set the status to "Abandoned" which seems counter-intuitive. The user has already created a Diversion attempt and saved it with a status other than "Abandoned," so the Diversion attempt was actually not Abandoned. But, in attempting to avoid overwriting data, the user could unintentionally overwrite the actual status of the Diversion, which seems backwards to me.
#71Ali Ryder
Users can now add Goods and Services in the diversion form when the program field is mandatory.
Add Goods & Services in Diversion fails to save
When I try to add a Goods record OR a Services record while completing a Diversion - either the Diversion Workflow, or from the Edit Diversion screen, it fails to save if Programs are a mandatory field for Express Goods / Express Services.
#67Ali Ryder
Encampments & Outreach
Added Bing key to viewbag on all pages to remove message requesting credentials when using the map view.
Fixed issue with outreach capable services always creating address relations in the database.
Outreach List shows all Goods & Services/Group Activities
It has come to my attention that all Goods & Services and Group Activities are being now listed on the Outreach List, regardless of if they have a location or anything like that.
This strikes me as problematic. There are plenty of times you would provide a Goods & Services transaction that's not Outreach, and same goes for Group Activities. It just seems a bit weird to have every single one of these transactions show up on the Outreach List, when many of them.
As a very simple fix, I'd suggest perhaps that only Goods & Services and/or Group Activities with a captured Service Location should show up on this list.
#63Ali Ryder
The Outreach module now only displays records associated to the Service Provider you are currently logged into.
Map view on outreach shows services for other providers
In /Outreach/ServicesList there should only be outreach services for the current service provider visible.
On the Standard View (i.e. list) the correct services show up. On the Map View, it shows services for other service providers.
#78Ali Ryder
Housing Status & Chronicity
Fixed issue where a new entry was added everyday for the client’s housing status in the client’s vitals history.
Chronic homelessness not working properly
In, clients are becoming chronically homeless multiple times, and also becoming chronically homeless at the wrong time.
#81Ali Ryder
When you delete a client’s Housing History record, if there are no other records in their file, the housing status will now change back to “Unknown”.
A historical record of a client’s chronicity information is now properly recorded and stored in the database.
History of chronic homelessness is missing
If a client was chronically homeless but isn't anymore, say if they were in shelters from Jan 1 2022 to July 1 2022, then the records relating to chronic homelessness disappear. I would expect there to be a record saying that they became chronically homeless on, say, July 1 2022 (ish), and then another record saying they stopped being chronically homeless on, say, January 1 2023 (ish). So I'd expect to see two records here.
What I'm actually seeing is, if the client is still chronically homeless, there'll be a record saying that they became chronically homeless on July 1 2022. But if the client is no longer chronically homeless, that record gets deleted, so there is no record that they ever were chronically homeless.
#79Ali Ryder
Reintroduced the Geo Region and City filters to the filter options menu.
PiT Count
Changed the naming of COH/COH CORE questions to Optional questions when setting up a PiT Event.
When adding local questions, if you create a single or multi selection question and use the same response in 2 or more questions, the response will now appear for all questions it is assigned to, instead of only the original.
The PiT Survey will now only accept integers (non-fractional numbers) in fields that only accept numerical values.
Updated export files to match the 2024 version of the Poin-in-Time (PiT) Count Survey.
When users create a local question and select the “Yes/No” type, the question now will have the same type of available responses as the Core survey.
Fixed bug where inactive programs without an end date were not appearing in the inactive tab.
Service Restrictions
Fixed issue where if a Service Provider had too many service restrictions, the page failed to load and returned an error if they selected to view “All”.
User can now change the language of the End-User License Agreement (EULA) when accessing HIFIS for the first time.
When viewing the “Bed Count History” tab on the Data Export, the page now properly shows the number of entries, instead of “Showing 0 to 0 entries”.
Users & Rights
Users who don’t have the right to edit or view the Workflow steps no longer see these actions.
"Diversion workflow steps" shows to users without right
A user with rights to everything in the Diversion module (HIFIS Modules > Diversion) but without rights to anything in Administration (including Administration > Diversion Workflow Steps).
The Administration menu appears for this user with the option Diversion Workflow Steps. When the user clicks on it, they get a "you don't have rights" error message.
The bug is that the option should not appear in the Administration menu at all.
#89Ali Ryder
Reorganized the SPDAT/VI-SPDAT rights tree and removed duplicates.
v3 VI-SPDAT rights are a mess
There's a new category for the latest versions, instead of putting them under the matching category as before
Several rights are inconsistently named. VI-F-SPDAT vs F-VI-SPDAT and TAY-VI-SPDAT vs Y-VI-SPDAT
Doubled up on Y-VI-SPDAT v2 rights and no VI-SPDAT v3 rights
#50Ali Ryder
Reintroduced the “Add PiT Volunteer” button from the User list page.
Removed the ability of non-admin users to clone Admin user rights.
Updated Goods and Services rights labels to be more accurate. Previously, Services were described as "Activities"
Database Changes
New tables:
Chronic homelessness is now stored in HIFIS_ClientHistoryChanges.FieldTypeID = 18 instead of 17
Known Issues
Pagination missing on Client Search
When you use the Client Search, results show but the ability to navigate to another page is missing, so if your search result returns more than X clients, they cannot be found.
#42Shannon F
Client Search not working as expected
The Client Search is really different than in our current production version ( Is it working the way you expect it to? For example, to get to my client John William Test (Alias 1 Jonathan Silly Pants), it no longer works to search jo te or wi pa. john test doesn't work either, you have to type in test, john. But jonathan silly works. Is that by design? Absurdly, han sil works.
#40Kristina N
The sort function in the Directory of Services is not working.
#276Ali Ryder
The Client Information and Client Management menus are missing when users view the "State Change History" log.
#275Ali Ryder
Users are unable to see programs associated with a case management record.
#277Ali Ryder
Case Management > View All Session Details Blank
In testing 60.3 we have found an issue with the “View All Session Details” button in the Case Management area.
To see this, create a new case management record, or open a client that already has an open case management record, either from Front Desk > Case Management, or from Client Management > Case Management. Then Click on the Display button to view the details.
What we expect to see here is a summary of all sessions attached to the case management record.
In our production environment (v4. we see a summary of all sessions attached to the case management record.
The first major release in 3 years brings lots of new features all at the same time, which is a mixed blessing. This version seems like there was too much crammed in and there was a rush to get to the finish line. A lack of testing shows. Our recommendation: do not deploy until important bugs are fixed.
Diversion Module: A new module that allows for communities to record and track diversion efforts.
Outreach & Encampment: The ability to geographically tag services and group activities and view records on a map.
Racial Identity Question: New mandatory racial identity question added to the client vitals.
Updated VI-SPDAT Assessments: Included in the release and the latest version of the VI-SPDAT assessments.
New Features & Major Changes
Diversion Module
New Diversion Module
New Diversion module, similar to that described in ACRE Consulting's report. https://www.acreconsulting.ca/feature-recommendations
#206Ali Ryder
Version introduces a new Diversion module to HIFIS communities. This dedicated section within HIFIS enables users to easily log diversion attempts and seamlessly document their outcomes directly within the application. With this feature, users can easily save diversion records, monitor progress, and make necessary edits or deletions as required.
Key Features:
Users can choose between the full form or use a work flow approach to enter diversion records.
Diversion records can be created and accessed directly from a client’s file
Anonymous diversion attempts can be entered (Only accessible from the form version)
New Look-up Table: Diversion Status Type – Allows the user to add and remove values for the “Diversion Status” field
New Look-up Table: Expected Diversion Destination – Allows the user to update the default instructions for the diversion workflow.
Outreach & Encampments
Outreach features have now been added to enable HIFIS communities to record encampments across their community. Users will also be able to track service and group activities that happen during community outreach.
Key Features:
New Outreach module is accessible from the Front Desk tab.
Users can enter encampments using geographic locations that can be viewed using Bing Maps.
Services form now allow users to add geographic locations.
Group activities form now allow users to add geographic locations.
Services and group activities tagged with geographic locations become visualized on Bing Maps within the Outreach module.
Tag geographic locations with the flexibility of using location services on your mobile device, pinpointing locations on Bing Maps, or manually entering coordinates.
Racial Identity Question
Version introduces a mandatory default racial identity question. For existing clients, a placeholder response will be automatically added, along with a notification in their file indicating the need for vital updates. Please note that this look-up table is not user-editable or adjustable by HIFIS administrators.
What's Different
Fixed an issue where future bookings were blocking live admission.
The “Reservation Status” field no longer appears when creating a new reservation.
Client Reservation List Add button
On the Client > Admissions List, when you click on Add Reservation, it actually takes you to the Edit Reservation screen in which you can adjust the Reservation Status, which you cannot do if you add a Reservation through the Front Desk.
#113Ali Ryder
Users can now reserve a bed even if it is currently being used.
Hovering over a booked bed will no longer display the date twice in the Date and Time field.
Manage rooms and beds shows date twice
When a user hovers over a bed that is currently being used, the date and time field displays the date the client was booked into the bed twice and does not reveal the time of the book in.
#109Ali Ryder
The "Effective Date" on Beds field is now translated when using HIFIS in French.
Added a “Reason for Bookout” field to the block operation form for improved tracking.
Added VI-SPDAT v2 - Youth assessment
Added VI-SPDAT v3 - Family assessment
Added VI-SPDAT v3 - Single Adult assessment [feedback: 163516]
Add VI-SPDAT v3 series
#83Ali Ryder
Resolved the issue where the VAT form would process non-stop when entering client and case worker names.
Fixed the missing description error message appearing on VI-SPDAT when a description is provided.
Racial Identity field on Client Vitals
A summary of Coordinated Access data points is now available.
Added "Chronically Homeless" row in the client tombstone.
Paginated custom tables to allow for faster loading.
Housing Status now displays clients currently being housed in a Public Institution
Users can now remove Housing History fields when creating a client.
Fixed the filter when viewing admission record from the client’s profile.
Users can open attachments under Explicit + CA without issues.
Coordinated Access
Updated labels on the coordinated access export
Users can now access client profiles from the Coordinated Access module
Coordinated Access now includes Public Institution housing type on the Coordinated Access List.
Data Export
Added four fields to the list of data exported to Reaching Home:
Bed Count: The number of available beds, if any, associated with the service;
Overflow: The number of overflow beds, if any, associated with the service provider;
Activity Status: The activity status of the service provider (inactive, active);
Date and Time Modified: The date and time that service provider information was updated.
The correct date for barcodes and consent documents now appear. [feedback: 163543]
Document date
The date of documents associated to a client's consent or their barcode always reflects the actual date. Not the date the document was added to the file.
#110Ali Ryder
Fixed an issue in the Family Module where users were unable to use the "Create and Add member" option.
The delete button for the family head now has a tooltip for improved usability.
Goods & Services
Fixed the “ Error Object Reference Not Set” message when attempting to edit a record.
Fixed an issue where values matching would disappear from the goods field.
Housing Continuum
Added "Public Institution" as a new category in the Housing Continuum.
Users can update the Public Institutions housing category to appear as Housed or Homeless.
Housing History
The Housing type column now matches the Service Provider type of the shelter a client is booked into.
Housing Loss Prevention
Added the ability to edit and delete Housing Loss Prevention.
Housing Placement
Added the ability to edit and delete Housing Placement.
Look-Up Tables
“Waiting Request Status” values no longer remain in the dropdown field after unsubscribing to them.
Updated and added new default values in the Gender table. Added: Two-Spirit, Trans Woman, Trans Man, Non-Binary (Genderqueer); Removed: Transgender; Updated: Other --> Other (Not Listed), Unknown --> Don't Know, Undeclared / Refused --> Decline to Answer
PiT Count
Updated the Point-in-Time Count module to display the 2024 version of the survey.
The Geographic Region field in custom reports now display custom values as well as default look-up values.
After downloading a new report, the report edit page is displayed.
Default INFC reports now use translated labels.
Non-admin users can now download reports from the marketplace.
Issue deploying reports
I was doing some work for a community and noticed they had a bunch of reports that needed to be deployed. So I downloaded one of them and it promptly disappeared from my screen. I panicked a little, thinking I had somehow lost their report, then I figured it out.
The problem is that when you download a report for the first time, it has all of the mandatory fields blank: no service providers can run it. It's not in any report categories. So no user can actually access it except for the root admin. However, it's not necessarily true that the root admin will be the one taking the action of deploying new reports. I've seen some communities where they reserve root access for just a DBA, and grant their actual HIFIS administrators their own named accounts (i.e. like "Aryder" instead of "Admin") and they might have all of the rights, so they really SHOULD be able to do everything.
My proposed fix is this:
Have a separate right that grants the ability to download and deploy new reports from the marketplace
When somebody with that right clicks the appropriate button, instead of just fetching the report, they are also prompted to define the report categories and service providers for the report on the same popup screen
That way, the same person who downloads the report has the ability to also add a description and define who can use it.
#209Ali Ryder
Updated the title of the Case Management report.
Versioning compare now works correctly within the same database Version.
Removed unused rights from the rights template: Duplicate Displayed Transaction, Jump to a Family Member
Service Restrictions
Service Restrictions now correctly load the page when the filter is set to "All".
Added a “Storage Outcome” field to the storage form.
The 2023 version of the End User License Agreement (EULA) is now added to HIFIS.
The EULA no longer appears for every new user. It will only be displayed when logging into HIFIS for the first time.
HIFIS footer has been updated with new and functional links.
Database Changes
HIFIS_UserProfilesEULAAcceptedYN removed
Known Issues
Fixing bug 633405 cause some display issues on the Service Restrictions list. This will be resolved in an upcoming update.
Fixing bug 711902 caused that the user may remain on the “Rooms and Beds” page after reserving a bed for a client. Workaround: The form saves properly, simply exit the form or refresh the page.
French translation of all SPDAT assessments: Updated and translated the text for all of the SPDAT assessments in HIFIS.
Code optimization: Improvements to the performance of the user list and the coordinated access module.
15 Minor changes and 32 bug fixes.
What's Different
Fixed inconsistent spacing and alignments in the admissions list.
User can now create a historical stay for a client that is currently booked in.
Fixed the bed availability details button.
Fixed the bed availability not displaying properly when using geographic regions filter.
Users can now reserve beds that are currently in use.
Fixed the “Back” button producing an error when an apostrophe is included in a room name.
The room and bed name for hidden service providers are no longer visible in the client’s profile.
Audit Log
Watch concerns records now appear in the client activity log.
Case Management
Fixed the display form for closed case management records that have no end date.
A client’s date of birth can no longer be the same as the date their profile was created.
HIFIS now validates consents for family members that are added to a form.
Coordinated Access
Optimized the Coordinated Access module to reduce loading time.
Custom Tables
The people field now displays values when viewing a custom table.
The sorting order of custom table values are sorted properly in the display view.
Fixed the family head field displaying former family heads in the results
Fixed issue where client under the minimum age can be selected as a family head.
Goods & Services
Fixed program tags not deleting from goods and services records.
Fixed housing unit fields being linked to the housing history form when these fields are mandatory.
Fixed hidden service provider information appearing from the housing history module
Features now appear when viewing the housing unit list.
Fixed the housing unit addresses filter field, it now works in combination with the other filter options.
Housing loss prevention records no longer generate an error that a value is missing in the “PlacementStatus” table.
Look-up Tables
Added the following communities to the list of cities in HIFIS: Fort Fitzgerald, Janvier/Chard, Draper, Gregoire Lake Estates, Saprae Creek Estates
PIT Count
Removed the Question Template sub-module.
Updated the admin user account rights to ensure it is targeting all of the rights in HIFIS.
Removed “On the Fly” rights from the user rights list.
The bulletin board can now only be seen for users with the appropriate rights.
Removed the connection between the “Access archived client information” right and the admissions short cut in a client’s file.
Translated and corrected typos for the: SPDAT Adult Version 3, SPDAT Adult Version 4, SPDAT Family Version 1, SPDAT Family Version 2, SPDAT Youth Version 1, VI-SPDAT Adult Version 1, VI-SPDAT Adult Version 2, VI-SPDAT Family Version 1, VI-SPDAT Family Version 2, VI-SPDAT Youth Version 1
A custom error message now appears when a user unsuccessfully attempts to log in rapidly.
Fixed the service provider change shortcut; users can now attempt to log in again if they enter the wrong account credentials without generating an error message.
Fixed the change password function; removed the error and users can now change their password on their own.
Fixed issue with inactive clients from other clusters appearing when searching clients when entering a record.
Fixed the username field clearing when entering the wrong credentials on the log in page.
The “DateCreated” field for the “HIFIS_Comments” table now records the time correctly.
Removed the question mark “<?> “ that appears for certain characters when using HIFIS in French.
Optimized the user list page to reduce loading time.
Added additional filtering functionalities to the user list page.
Code refactoring to improve the performance of the Coordinated Access and Admissions modules.
Validation rules added to improve data accuracy.
What's Different
Code refactoring performed in the Admissions module.
Fixed clients from other clusters appearing in the "With" field.
Application Settings
Removed dependency between the Application Settings module and HIFIS.ca This will allow users to continue using the Application Settings module even if communication with HIFIS.ca cannot be established.
Case Management
Multiple attachments can be added to a record at once.
Added a validation rule to the Veteran Status field. Only clients who are 16 years of age or older can have a relevant Veteran status. Clients 15 and younger are automatically recorded as "Not a Veteran".
Users who add new clients are asked to confirm the clients age if they are 85 years of age or older.
The client list page shows active clients by default when producing initial results. Client List Columns on the client list page can be sorted.
Clients remain active while they are booked into a shelter.
Fixed the Client Vitals History log not recording changes from the Veteran module.
Client Service Delete
Users can now delete a housing loss prevention record.
Multiple attachments can be added to a record at once.
Coordinated Access + Explicit consent type is now available as a bundle in the Consent module.
Incorrect behaviour adding consent post expiry
I'm not sure which things are intentional and which things are unintended, so that's why I'm writing out this list:
A client who previously had CA + Explicit consent, after they expire, can add consent records. The options are Explicit (that's fine), Inherited (that's not logical). There is no option to add CA + Explicit.
A client who has only Explicit consent can add consent records. The options are Explicit (redundant, but okay), Inherited (that's not logical), and CA consent.
A client who has Declined - Anon consent can add consent records. The options are Explicit (again, fine), Declined - Anonymous (again, fine), and Inherited. No option to add CA + Explicit
A client who has Inherited consent can add consent records. The options are Explicit (okay), Inherited (okay), and Coordinated Access (wait, what?), but there's no option to add CA + Explicit. Philosophical question here. If a client is incapable of providing Explicit consent, since they're a minor and with their parents, should they be capable of providing CA consent? I thought that Explicit consent was a prerequisite for CA consent.
I wanted to check because I was pretty sure there was an option to add bundled CA + Explicit consent after client creation, but then I haven't been able to find it. So, is it supposed to exist? Or just my imagination? If you want my opinion, it should exist, because for communities that have automatic consent expiry, they would then have to re-obtain both forms of consent at the same time since both expire at the same time.
#162Ali Ryder
Fixed clients appearing across the cluster once their declined-anonymous consent expired.
Declined - Anonymous consent expiring
It's come to my attention that HIFIS behaves in a problematic way when Declined - Anonymous consent records are set to automatically expire.
In general, Declined - Anonymous works fine so long as it remains active. When Declined - Anonymous consent expires then the protection offered by the Declined - Anonymous, i.e. not visible to other service providers, goes away.
Except that in some communities, they have indicated that consent records expire automatically after X number of days. And generally speaking, when consent expires it's often because you haven't seen a client in a while and are unable to re-obtain consent, which is probably more likely for people who declined consent to begin with.
Anyways, it seems to be an oversight that Declined - Anonymous consent offers privacy for clients that might automatically end, while the whole concept of automatically expiring consent is designed to protect clients into the future.
My easy fix suggestion is when you have a consent expiry set, that should not apply to Declined - Anonymous clients. So even though your Explicit consents might expire after 365 days, when a user is adding a Declined - Anonymous consent, the End Date field should be blank to begin with.
There could be a fancier solution figured out later, but that'll put a bandaid on the immediate problem.
#161Ali Ryder
Coordinated Access
Code refactoring performed in the Coordinated Access module.
Fixed clients appearing multiple times on the Unique Identifier List if they have duplicate income amounts across multiple records.
Duplicate clients in CA module (Income)
If a client has two different incomes with exactly the same monthly amount, and both of those amounts are tied for the highest, the client will show up twice.
Workaround : change one of the monthly amounts by adding a penny
Related to:
#166Ali Ryder
Fixed clients appearing multiple times on the Unique Identifier List due to housing placement, service restriction and household records.
Duplicate Clients in CA module (Families)
There's a bug in the Coordinated Access view causing clients to appear more than once, having to do with families.
Related to:
#168Ali Ryder
Multiple attachments can be added to a record at once.
Clients associated to another service provider with declined consent now appear as “Hidden Client” in the Family module.
Financial Profile
Added a validation rule to the following income type: Aboriginal Band Council. Only clients who identify as Indigenous can be tagged with this income type.
Added a validation rule to the following income type: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security. Only clients 60 years of age or older can be tagged with these income types.
Food Bank
Fixed the form to allow the creation of new food bank records when accessing it via the Front Desk.
Fixed grey "Get Help" icon that produced an error message.
Housing History, Housing Placement, Housing Loss Prevention
"Landlord" field added to the housing history form Users can now add, remove or change the landlord for housing records.
Fixed the "Next Follow up" date field not remaining mandatory when trying to edit a housing loss prevention record.
Fixed housing loss prevention records not updating the move in date when editing the information under housing history.
Housing Unit
Fixed user rights for housing units. Users no longer see the buttons for actions they do not have the rights to for other service providers.
Fixed incident records allowing clients to be both involved and a witness to an incident.
Look Up Table
Removed "HPS" (Homelessness Partnering Strategy) in the "Program" look up table and replaced it with the current program name RH (Reaching Home).
Added a new look up value in the Income table: English: Other Canada Pension Plan Benefits, French: Autres prestations du régime de pensions du Canada
The "Treaty Number" and "Home Reserve" fields can now be disabled or tagged as mandatory.
Pit Count
Fixed COH questions not deactivating properly when removing question from the PiT Count survey.
Fixed PiT Count export list not loading when an old export exists.
Fixed and added missing "Delete" action. Users can now delete questions from a questionnaire. Note: Only questions that have not answered can be deleted.
Removed dependency between the Reports module and HIFIS.ca This will allow users to continue using the reports module even if communication with HIFIS.ca cannot be established.
Fixed "List Stay Records" right, users without the appropriate right can no longer see stays from other service providers.
Replaced "HIFIS" with "SISA" in the rights tree when using HIFIS in French.
Rooms and Beds
Fixed the form to add new beds; leaving the "Additional Beds to add" field empty does not prevent the creation of a single bed.
Service Provider
Added validation to prevent duplicate service provider names on the same HIFIS site.
Service Restriction
Fixed the missing delete action on the service restriction list on the front desk.
Deleting services is problematic
Currently, when most records exist (for example, Turn Aways, Appointments, Incidents, SPDAT, VAT, Waiting List, client in a Waiting List, Income, Education, Contributing Factor, etc.), a user can navigate to the List page for that kind of record and click the Delete button in the Action column.
However, this is not the case for many types of services. Several types of services, including Case Management, Goods and Services, Housing Placements, Housing Loss Prevention, and Food Bank, cannot be deleted from the List page or the Client List page. In order to delete them, one has to go to the Client Service Delete page. This is confusing because there's a user right to, for example, Delete Food Bank Record, and one to Delete Housing Loss Prevention, and one to Delete Housing Placement.
A user might assume that granting the "Delete Housing Placement" right will allow a user to delete Housing Placements, but that is not the case. Instead, the user needs the Administrative right to Client Service Delete, and then if they have that right they can delete ALL services at ALL service providers. It makes much more sense to simply implement a consistent behaviour across the software: add the Delete button in the Action column to all types of records.
But that's not the only deleting weirdness:
Group Activities cannot be deleted at all.
Calls and Visits Logs can be deleted from the Client - Call and Visit List, but not from the Call and Visit List.
Storage can be deleted from the Client - Storage List but not the Storage List.
Conflicts can be deleted from the Client - Conflicts List but not the Conflicts List.
Service Restrictions can be deleted from the Client - Service Restrictions List but not the Service Restrictions List.
#169Ali Ryder
In progress
Refactoring JavaScript to be more general and robust for future development.
Added security directives to web config template to tighten up security according to best practice.
Fixed the elmah log displaying password inputs.
Added a proper error message when attempting to clone a user with an existing username.