
Latest releases of HIFIS

Full Changelog

Minor Release


  • User cloning: New user accounts can be created based on a similar user already in HIFIS
  • Consent: Declined consent can be applied again once it expires


What's Different

Clients Vitals

  • Added sorting function on the client vital history page.


  • Fixed conflicts not appearing on the aggressor’s profile.


  • Users can now add another declined-anonymous consent record to a client’s file. Note: The declined consent can only be re-applied to client records that have never accepted the explicit consent or inherited consent

Declined - Anonymous consent expiring

It's come to my attention that HIFIS behaves in a problematic way when Declined - Anonymous consent records are set to automatically expire. In general, Declined - Anonymous works fine so long as it remains active. When Declined - Anonymous consent expires then the protection offered by the Declined - Anonymous, i.e. not visible to other service providers, goes away. Except that in some communities, they have indicated that consent records expire automatically after X number of days. And generally speaking, when consent expires it's often because you haven't seen a client in a while and are unable to re-obtain consent, which is probably more likely for people who declined consent to begin with. Anyways, it seems to be an oversight that Declined - Anonymous consent offers privacy for clients that might automatically end, while the whole concept of automatically expiring consent is designed to protect clients into the future. My easy fix suggestion is when you have a consent expiry set, that should not apply to Declined - Anonymous clients. So even though your Explicit consents might expire after 365 days, when a user is adding a Declined - Anonymous consent, the End Date field should be blank to begin with. There could be a fancier solution figured out later, but that'll put a bandaid on the immediate problem.

Ali Ryder


  • Coordinated Access consent is now available right after client creation

Coordinated Access

  • The “Days in lifetime” column now counts shelter stays for clients that have a housing status of “transitional”.
  • The Unique Identifier List now ignores the “Unknown” housing status when calculating if a client is in their first episode of homelessness.


  • Added delete function to remove clients from a family.

Health Information

  • Fixed delete diet right; delete action now available for dietary requirements.

Housing History

  • Follow-ups tab now displays follow-up dates for housing loss prevention records as well.

Housing Loss Prevention

  • Fixed filter on the housing loss prevention list. Users can now filter based on status and time range.

Housing Placement

  • First scheduled follow up date now calculates based on the “Date Moved In” instead of the actual date.

Housing Placement

  • Securing housing and moving into housing now changes the client state to “Active”
  • Users can now edit the housing secured date as well as the move in date for a housing placement


  • Added “Expiry Date” field for identifications.


  • The attachment field is no longer available when disabled in the Service Provider settings.

Look-up Tables

  • Fixed custom “Case State” values not allowing users to enter an end date to case management records.

Custom "Case Status" bug

When using custom values in the "Case Status" field, HIFIS does not allow the user to enter an end date for the case, so case files remain open. Related: sometimes in this version, you can save a closed case file and add an end date, but it doesn't save properly.

Ali Ryder


Medication Dispensing

  • Fixed “Dispensed by” field; users can now select their name when dispending medication
  • Medication can now be dispensed on the day the client was booked in

PiT Count

  • Fixed response disappearing when returning to an old question when using the paging survey
  • Additional validation added to remove duplicate custom responses
  • Fixed action buttons appearing for users that do not have the appropriate rights


  • Fixed the "City (Last Known)" column in the Unique Identifier List report. Report now pulls data from the city of the current service provider or the most recent housing history record.


  • Added a cloning feature in the Users module. HIFIS copies the following fields over when cloning the new user: Service Providers, Default Service Provider, Report Categories, Roles, User Rights

User Templates

Create a user template that includes Service Providers and Rights, to speed up user creation. The Problem User have a set of rights at each Service Provider (this is not the problem) Each user account needs to be configured individually, even when it should be identical to that of a co-worker. A user could have 10 different sets of rights at 10 Service Providers It’s time-consuming and confusing to set up user accounts and mistakes often happen For the following two example users, an administrator would need to manually go through and define rights at Shelter A, then define rights at Shelter B, then define rights at Shelter C, etc. Example User: Secondary Rights Steve Let’s imagine Steve works at Shelter A. He logs in at Shelter A but also needs some access to data belonging to Shelters B and C. In order to achieve that, he needs to be granted access to 3 Service Providers and be configured with different rights at each. Shelter A: General shelter staff rights Shelter B: No ability to log on, but can read case files and VI-SPDATs belonging to this agency Shelter C: No ability to log on, but can read VI-SPDATs completed here Example User: Manager Madeline Let’s imagine Madeline is a manager at Shelter A. Because the shelters in her community work together very closely, all shelters have agreed that managers can ban staff from the other shelters in exceptional circumstances, and communicate important notices with each other. Shelter A: General shelter manager rights Shelter B, C, and D: Can create Service Restrictions and Bulletins The Proposed Solution Allow administrators to define a user template, which is a combination of Service Providers and the Rights for each Service Provider, and/or Give administrators the ability to clone an existing user (copy Roles, Service Providers, and Rights) The Advantages of this Solution User accounts are set up without error (less troubleshooting) Increased user acceptance by new users (no more “I can’t do X that my co-worker can”) Reduced administrative burden to administrators (faster to set up accounts) Because it would be easier, communities may be more willing to customize data sharing to suit their needs instead of coming up with workarounds (i.e. through reporting)

Ali Ryder


Various Factors

  • Fixed “content failed to load” error when trying to display a “life event record”.
