
Latest releases of HIFIS

Full Changelog

Minor Release


  • French translation of all SPDAT assessments: Updated and translated the text for all of the SPDAT assessments in HIFIS.
  • Code optimization: Improvements to the performance of the user list and the coordinated access module.
  • 15 Minor changes and 32 bug fixes.


What's Different


  • Fixed inconsistent spacing and alignments in the admissions list.
  • User can now create a historical stay for a client that is currently booked in.
  • Fixed the bed availability details button.
  • Fixed the bed availability not displaying properly when using geographic regions filter.
  • Users can now reserve beds that are currently in use.
  • Fixed the “Back” button producing an error when an apostrophe is included in a room name.
  • The room and bed name for hidden service providers are no longer visible in the client’s profile.

Audit Log

  • Watch concerns records now appear in the client activity log.

Case Management

  • Fixed the display form for closed case management records that have no end date.


  • A client’s date of birth can no longer be the same as the date their profile was created.


  • HIFIS now validates consents for family members that are added to a form.

Coordinated Access

  • Optimized the Coordinated Access module to reduce loading time.

Custom Tables

  • The people field now displays values when viewing a custom table.
  • The sorting order of custom table values are sorted properly in the display view.


  • Fixed the family head field displaying former family heads in the results
  • Fixed issue where client under the minimum age can be selected as a family head.

Goods & Services

  • Fixed program tags not deleting from goods and services records.


  • Fixed housing unit fields being linked to the housing history form when these fields are mandatory.
  • Fixed hidden service provider information appearing from the housing history module
  • Features now appear when viewing the housing unit list.
  • Fixed the housing unit addresses filter field, it now works in combination with the other filter options.
  • Housing loss prevention records no longer generate an error that a value is missing in the “PlacementStatus” table.

Look-up Tables

  • Added the following communities to the list of cities in HIFIS: Fort Fitzgerald, Janvier/Chard, Draper, Gregoire Lake Estates, Saprae Creek Estates

PIT Count

  • Removed the Question Template sub-module.


  • Updated the admin user account rights to ensure it is targeting all of the rights in HIFIS.
  • Removed “On the Fly” rights from the user rights list.
  • The bulletin board can now only be seen for users with the appropriate rights.
  • Removed the connection between the “Access archived client information” right and the admissions short cut in a client’s file.


  • Translated and corrected typos for the: SPDAT Adult Version 3, SPDAT Adult Version 4, SPDAT Family Version 1, SPDAT Family Version 2, SPDAT Youth Version 1, VI-SPDAT Adult Version 1, VI-SPDAT Adult Version 2, VI-SPDAT Family Version 1, VI-SPDAT Family Version 2, VI-SPDAT Youth Version 1


  • A custom error message now appears when a user unsuccessfully attempts to log in rapidly.
  • Fixed the service provider change shortcut; users can now attempt to log in again if they enter the wrong account credentials without generating an error message.
  • Fixed the change password function; removed the error and users can now change their password on their own.
  • Fixed issue with inactive clients from other clusters appearing when searching clients when entering a record.
  • Fixed the username field clearing when entering the wrong credentials on the log in page.
  • The “DateCreated” field for the “HIFIS_Comments” table now records the time correctly.
  • Removed the question mark “<?> “ that appears for certain characters when using HIFIS in French.


  • Optimized the user list page to reduce loading time.
  • Added additional filtering functionalities to the user list page.
