ACRE Consulting's Summary
A lot of issuse with are addressed in this update, but a small number of issues were created. It's almost there! Hold off until the remaining major bugs are addressed.
- Fixed issue displaying housing status records multiple times
- Historical chronicity information is now stored properly in the database
- Fixed rights issues linked to the diversion form
What's Different
- Fixed error message when a user attempts to delete a Diversion record using the Client Service Delete module.
Users are not able to delete diversion records from the Client Service Delete module.
- The header on the Diversion Workflow steps has been translated when using HIFIS in French.
- Merging clients no longer results in an error
Can't merge clients in 60
An error related to merging clients has been brought to my attention in v60. It looks like merging any two clients throws an error. Notably though, there seems to be multiple errors thrown, and it seems somewhat random which error message you get. I've seen at least 3 different ones.
- Fixed bug where users were not able to reserve beds that are currently being used.
- Fixed bug where users were not able to deactivate a room.
- Users can now add a Diversion Attempt from the Admissions module (Front Desk and Client Management menu).
- The scorecard and the administration section of the VI-SPDAT v3 Adult, v3 Family, and v2 Youth are now in the same order as the survey.
- Fixed bug where if your first response to a new VI-SPDAT assessment, after filling out the administration section, is to “Refuse” a question, then an error message would appear.
- When editing a VAT record, the “File on Record” field has been fixed to be properly aligned.
Case Management
- Fixed issue where users could not close cases.
Can't close case file in
When closing a case, get an error saying "The value '## Days' is not valid for TotalElapsedTime."
Client Details
- Client’s details page now has a matching header. Client - Vitals --> Client - Details
- The “Date of Death” field has been fixed and no longer appears as a dropdown field.
Date of Death
In, the Date of Death field is now, inexplicably, a drop-down menu that contains no values.
- The “Private Service Provider” label now appears as “Fournisseur de services privé” in the client tombstone when using HIFIS in French.
Coordinated Access
- Fixed issue where if there were housing records that started over 30 days ago, and ran into the “Last 30 Days”, they were not counted towards a client’s percentage housing completed statistics. Housing Records
- Clients with a recent diversion attempt will now have an alert on their profile, similar to a service restriction alert.
- Users can now add a housing history record to a client’s diversion record, regardless of whether they were housed safely the night before.
- Here's what the official release notes say:
- Edit Diversion screen is now the same for form and workflow
Edit Diversion shows different screen for workflow vs form
I'm not clear on, once you do a Diversion Workflow versus a Diversion Form, why the software remembers whether it was a Workflow or Form, and shows a different Edit form accordingly. First of all, this is unnecessary - the Workflow is only useful in the moment, and not helpful if you have to edit it for some reason. For example, maybe you want to change the Referred From field, because the client didn't disclose it initially. If you edit the "Diversion Workflow, it'll take you back to editing page 7 and you have to first remember what page the Referred From field is on and then navigate through all the pages back to it. That's cumbersome for the user. It also seems simpler from a development standpoint to store the data equally and not care how it was entered, much like how it doesn't matter if you do an "Express Goods" transaction or a "Goods & Services Transaction," the data is stored exactly the same and it looks the same after you've recorded it. So, in conclusion, there should be one consistent Edit Diversion screen that you get to when you hit the Edit button, regardless of which way the Diversion was recorded, and it should take you to a one-page form that has all of the fields on one screen.
- HIFIS_Services now has an end date for Diversions with Goods & Services attached
Blank service DateEnd for Diversions
When a Goods & Services record is attached to a Diversion record, HIFIS_Services.DateEnd is NULL.
- Fixed bug where the “Client Information” and “Client Management” options no longer appeared when a user was on a client’s diversion list.
- Users are no longer able to access modules they do not have the proper rights to from the Diversion forms.
- The “Scheduled Follow-Up” field in the Workflow version of the diversion form is no longer mandatory.
Follow-up on Diversion should not be mandatory
In the Diversion module, the "Scheduled Follow-up" field should be optional, not mandatory. For context, here's why it needs to be optional and not mandatory: First and foremost, because there is no option to actually do a follow-up in the Diversion module! This means that every single Diversion has either an "upcoming" follow-up or a "past due" follow-up, and they are flagged as requiring attention, but there's no way to dismiss the alert saying they require attention. Second, because not every Diversion requires follow-up. Sometimes a person is diverted by buying them a bus ticket back to their home community, in which case it might be difficult to follow up. And in other cases, it might simply be so clear that you're successful that a follow-up is not needed. Or, if you end up booking them into shelter, then you're going to be working with them in the context of them being a shelter guest and you probably wouldn't want to go back and update the Diversion record. Third, because neither the Housing Placement module nor the Housing Loss Prevention module, which seem to be being replicated here, actually require scheduled follow-ups, so it's inconsistent.
- Users who are editing a diversion record can now cancel the process without changing the status to “Abandoned”.
Canceling the Edit Diversion makes it Abandoned
If you Edit a Diversion sort of by accident, and then hit "Cancel" to say, oops I don't mean to actually change anything, it says it will set the status to "Abandoned" which seems counter-intuitive. The user has already created a Diversion attempt and saved it with a status other than "Abandoned," so the Diversion attempt was actually not Abandoned. But, in attempting to avoid overwriting data, the user could unintentionally overwrite the actual status of the Diversion, which seems backwards to me.
- Users can now add Goods and Services in the diversion form when the program field is mandatory.
Add Goods & Services in Diversion fails to save
When I try to add a Goods record OR a Services record while completing a Diversion - either the Diversion Workflow, or from the Edit Diversion screen, it fails to save if Programs are a mandatory field for Express Goods / Express Services.
Encampments & Outreach
- Added Bing key to viewbag on all pages to remove message requesting credentials when using the map view.
- Fixed issue with outreach capable services always creating address relations in the database.
Outreach List shows all Goods & Services/Group Activities
It has come to my attention that all Goods & Services and Group Activities are being now listed on the Outreach List, regardless of if they have a location or anything like that. This strikes me as problematic. There are plenty of times you would provide a Goods & Services transaction that's not Outreach, and same goes for Group Activities. It just seems a bit weird to have every single one of these transactions show up on the Outreach List, when many of them. As a very simple fix, I'd suggest perhaps that only Goods & Services and/or Group Activities with a captured Service Location should show up on this list.
- The Outreach module now only displays records associated to the Service Provider you are currently logged into.
Map view on outreach shows services for other providers
In /Outreach/ServicesList there should only be outreach services for the current service provider visible. On the Standard View (i.e. list) the correct services show up. On the Map View, it shows services for other service providers.
Housing Status & Chronicity
- Fixed issue where a new entry was added everyday for the client’s housing status in the client’s vitals history.
Chronic homelessness not working properly
In, clients are becoming chronically homeless multiple times, and also becoming chronically homeless at the wrong time.
- When you delete a client’s Housing History record, if there are no other records in their file, the housing status will now change back to “Unknown”.
- A historical record of a client’s chronicity information is now properly recorded and stored in the database.
History of chronic homelessness is missing
If a client was chronically homeless but isn't anymore, say if they were in shelters from Jan 1 2022 to July 1 2022, then the records relating to chronic homelessness disappear. I would expect there to be a record saying that they became chronically homeless on, say, July 1 2022 (ish), and then another record saying they stopped being chronically homeless on, say, January 1 2023 (ish). So I'd expect to see two records here. What I'm actually seeing is, if the client is still chronically homeless, there'll be a record saying that they became chronically homeless on July 1 2022. But if the client is no longer chronically homeless, that record gets deleted, so there is no record that they ever were chronically homeless.
- Reintroduced the Geo Region and City filters to the filter options menu.
PiT Count
- Changed the naming of COH/COH CORE questions to Optional questions when setting up a PiT Event.
- When adding local questions, if you create a single or multi selection question and use the same response in 2 or more questions, the response will now appear for all questions it is assigned to, instead of only the original.
- The PiT Survey will now only accept integers (non-fractional numbers) in fields that only accept numerical values.
- Updated export files to match the 2024 version of the Poin-in-Time (PiT) Count Survey.
- When users create a local question and select the “Yes/No” type, the question now will have the same type of available responses as the Core survey.
- Fixed bug where inactive programs without an end date were not appearing in the inactive tab.
Service Restrictions
- Fixed issue where if a Service Provider had too many service restrictions, the page failed to load and returned an error if they selected to view “All”.
- User can now change the language of the End-User License Agreement (EULA) when accessing HIFIS for the first time.
- When viewing the “Bed Count History” tab on the Data Export, the page now properly shows the number of entries, instead of “Showing 0 to 0 entries”.
Users & Rights
- Users who don’t have the right to edit or view the Workflow steps no longer see these actions.
"Diversion workflow steps" shows to users without right
A user with rights to everything in the Diversion module (HIFIS Modules > Diversion) but without rights to anything in Administration (including Administration > Diversion Workflow Steps). The Administration menu appears for this user with the option Diversion Workflow Steps. When the user clicks on it, they get a "you don't have rights" error message. The bug is that the option should not appear in the Administration menu at all.
- Reorganized the SPDAT/VI-SPDAT rights tree and removed duplicates.
v3 VI-SPDAT rights are a mess
There's a new category for the latest versions, instead of putting them under the matching category as before Several rights are inconsistently named. VI-F-SPDAT vs F-VI-SPDAT and TAY-VI-SPDAT vs Y-VI-SPDAT Doubled up on Y-VI-SPDAT v2 rights and no VI-SPDAT v3 rights
- Reintroduced the “Add PiT Volunteer” button from the User list page.
- Removed the ability of non-admin users to clone Admin user rights.
- Updated Goods and Services rights labels to be more accurate. Previously, Services were described as "Activities"
Database Changes
New tables:
- HIFIS_BedCountHistory
- HIFIS_Client_RacialIdentities
- HIFIS_ClientRacialIdentityTypes
- HIFIS_Clients_Diversions
- HIFIS_DiversionDestinationTypes
- HIFIS_DiversionDestinationTypes_SP
- HIFIS_Diversions
- HIFIS_DiversionStatusTypes
- HIFIS_DiversionStatusTypes_SP
- HIFIS_DiversionWorkFlowSteps
- HIFIS_EncampmentLocationTypes
- HIFIS_EncampmentLocationTypes_SP
- HIFIS_Encampments
- HIFIS_Encampments_Clients
- HIFIS_ReasonForDisbandedTypes
- HIFIS_ReasonForDisbandedTypes_SP
- HIFIS_SPDAT_HousingYouthv2Types
- Chronic homelessness is now stored in HIFIS_ClientHistoryChanges.FieldTypeID = 18 instead of 17
Known Issues
Pagination missing on Client Search
When you use the Client Search, results show but the ability to navigate to another page is missing, so if your search result returns more than X clients, they cannot be found.
Client Search not working as expected
The Client Search is really different than in our current production version ( Is it working the way you expect it to? For example, to get to my client John William Test (Alias 1 Jonathan Silly Pants), it no longer works to search jo te or wi pa. john test doesn't work either, you have to type in test, john. But jonathan silly works. Is that by design? Absurdly, han sil works.