
Latest releases of HIFIS

Full Changelog

Minor Release


  • Big changes to activity and inactivity
  • Fixed bug preventing Housing Loss Prevention subsidies from being edited or deleted


What's Different

Activity and Inactivity

  • The clients state will now be based on the date an activity took place as opposed to when it was entered in HIFIS.

Activity status derived from audit log not service dates

There is an issue when determining when a client becomes active/inactive. It is derived from the audit log  but it should not be. So I just added a Goods & Services transaction. By all accounts, adding a Goods & Services transaction counts as activity. I added it to a currently inactive client, but I backdated the start date to a week ago. However, the client State Change History indicates that the client only became active today, and they should have become active last week.  I continue to suggest that activity should be determined from the HIFIS_Services table, not the HIFIS_AuditLog table for this reason.

Ali Ryder


  • The following actions now consitute Activity: Adding a new appointments record; Adding a new consent record; and Adding a new turn away record.
  • Cases and housing placement records will maintain a client’s active status as long as they remain open.
  • The following actions no longer count as Activity: Adding a comment to a case management record; Adding a session to a case management record; Adding a follow-up to a housing placement record; Adding a placement attempt to a housing placement record.
  • The inactivity threshold is now set and locked at 90 days.
  • The Inactivity Threshold field has been removed from the cluster settings.
  • All client activity records have been recalculated to align with the new 90-day inactivity threshold.

Application Settings

  • Resolved an issue where newly entered attestation messages were not saving properly.

Can't modify attestation text

On 60.2.1, go to Cluster Settings and modify Attestation text. Hit save. It should say green "Data saved." However, open the Cluster settings again and you will see that the change has not been applied.

Ali Ryder


  • Update labels in the cluster settings

Case Management

  • Added "Referred From" and "Referred To" fields


  • Added functionality to ensure a merge comment is left on the remaining client after a merge.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented clients aged 50-62 from being flagged as veterans.


  • Enabled editing or removal of the Consent End Date for the "Declined - Anonymous" Consent Type.
  • Resolved an issue where clients with expired consent were not exposed to the cluster.

Clients disappearing after consent expires

When a client that previously had Declined - Anonymous consent, but subsequently has an Explicit consent, and then the Explicit consent expired, the client will revert to being hidden from the previous Declined - Anonymous consent. The client can only be activated again by the original service provider. This seems to be related to a fix/new in

Sara L


Data Export

  • The Client State and the associated Date of Change are now exported with client records.
  • Corrected an issue where some fields displayed "Select an Option" as a value.

Directory of Services

  • Fixed an issue where international addresses were not displayed when viewing a record.


  • Fixed an issue where workflow diversion attempts did not appear in the Client Activity Log.
  • Improved the alignment consistency of the workflow diversion form.


  • Addressed an error that occurred when the description contained more than one line.

Group Activities

  • Added an error message when assigning a client with an active service restriction to a group activity.

Housing History

  • Fixed an issue where deleting a Housing History record left orphaned records.

Housing Loss Prevention

  • Users can now delete subsidies from Housing Loss Prevention records.

Can not Edit or Delete a Subsidy

In 60.2 you cannot edit or delete a subsidy. When trying to edit, you get a "Loading" message that never clears. When trying to delete you receive an error in the right corner that says item failed to delete. Tested for both Housing Placement and Housing Loss Prevention. Added and secured a unit. Moved in Went to the Subsidy tab within the Housing Placement record and added a new subsidy Once created I used the edit option (pencil) to try and edit and it kept loading I went back to the record and tried to delete the subsidy and received the item failed to delete. Ticket #13401

Christie S


Housing Placement

  • Added "Referred From" and "Referred To" fields

PIT Count

  • The latest versions of the VI-SPDAT are now used for Registry Week.
  • Fixed an issue where switching from English to French in the scrolling version deleted numerical values.
  • Corrected alignment issues in the Event Details page.
  • Fixed an issue in Question 1b, where users were not allowed to select an option.
  • Properly organized the values in Question 13.
  • Resolved an issue where selecting a community deleted other responses in Question 8.


  • Removed the dependency on from the Report module.


  • Fixed an issue where Turnaways Client Service was not updating in the database.


  • Added an attachment feature for HIFIS user files to allow better file management.
  • Resolved an issue where multiple volunteers could not be added using the Excel template.
  • Users with the "Get new reports" right can no longer view custom reports from other Service Providers.

"Get New Reports" right causes unintended additional access

An admin staff I was working with was concerned that they could access reports that were "private" to only one service provider, while they were logged in somewhere else. So I tested it out and figured out the root issue. For context though, here's the steps to reproduce: Configure a CUSTOM report to only be visible at one Service Provider. In my screenshot above, the SP I have is "Region of Oz"Grant a user access to ONLY a service provider that is not the one selected above. Give them rights that include Log On, Display Reports, Generate Reports, and View Report Manager (but no other rights in the Report Manager category)Log in as that user. Go to the Report Manager and attempt to locate the report.Report should NOT appear, as expected (this is good)Now, modify the same user account and grant the right to "Get New Reports"Log in as that user. Go to the Report Manager and attempt to locate the report.The report WILL now appear, along with every other report that exists in HIFIS. I think that the Get New Reports right is probably intended to provide access to HIFIS Reports (not Custom Reports) that have not yet been deployed to the HIFIS instance. But I don't think it's supposed to grant access to Custom Reports that have been uploaded but are attached to other service providers a user doesn't have access to.

Ali Ryder


Ongoing Known Issues


Updating to 60.3 or 60.4 is slow

Updating to 60.2 is slow because 60.2 introduces a new script that calculates chronicity for all clients, and takes ages. But we would expect that updating from 60.2 --> 60.3 or 60.3 --> 60.4 should run more quickly, right? Turns out that the update scripts to 60.3 and 60.4 will re-run the chronicity script introduced in causing unnecessary slowness during update.

Ali Ryder



Financial Profile records duplicating

In testing 60.3 we have found an issue with records duplicating under the Financial Profile area. This appears to be affecting all 4 tabs within the Financial Profile section. Whenever you add a record under Income, Expenses, Assets or Debts when there is already a record, the new record is added multiple times. For example, I added a “Employment - Casual" record under Incomes on client # 5624 on the demo site. Adding the first record seems to work properly.I then added a new income record for “OW” and two were createdI then added another new record for “Panhandling” which was created 3 times.Adding a fourth record for “Disability Benefits” resulted in 4 records being created

Christie S



Case Management > View All Session Details Blank

In testing 60.3 we have found an issue with the “View All Session Details” button in the Case Management area. To see this, create a new case management record, or open a client that already has an open case management record, either from Front Desk > Case Management, or from Client Management > Case Management. Then Click on the Display button to view the details. What we expect to see here is a summary of all sessions attached to the case management record. In our production environment (v4. we see a summary of all sessions attached to the case management record.

Christie S

