
Latest releases of HIFIS

Full Changelog

Minor Release

ACRE Consulting's Summary

There are a few annoying but relatively minor bugs outstanding, but this is a noteworthy version because it has a bunch of bug fixes, and it doesn't have the activity changes that came with, if those are a deal-breaker for you.

However, notice came on September 26 that the PIT Count module must be updated to 60.4 for the 2024 PIT Count. Data Export isn't working properly.



  • New Veteran Summary form
  • Updated PiT Count module with 2024 version of the survey


What's Different

Application Settings

  • Introduced a configuration option to prompt users for attestation after a specified period of time.


  • Updated headers and tool tips for SPDAT/VI-SPDAT assessments.
  • Moved question 9 and 10 of the VI-SPDAT Family V3 survey to the correct category.


  • Corrected pagination implementation for bulletins on the domain side.

Case Management

  • Added "Case Worker" to filter options.
  • Added pagination to the case management sessions list for improved navigation performance.


  • Resolved rendering inconsistency for apostrophes in HIFIS name fields in client vitals.
  • Fixed issues with duplicate “unknown” housing statuses.

Duplicated Unknown housing status on client created date

I have a total of 36 clients. I found the issue for 7 clients including Anonymous, Anonymous, that's around 20% of clients affected. I tested the demo site and the issue is present for over 1200 clients. Here are some examples of affected clients: all clients between 2,881 and 2,895 inclusive; 2,723; 800; 259.... there's lots.It's always duplicated Unknown status. Every time. I haven't found a duplicated status that wasn't Unknown.It's always the same client becoming unknown a bunch of times at the exact same timestamp.The timestamp is the same timestamp as the client created date.There are always 77 copies of the duplicated unknown status. The number 77 probably has to do with something in my database. I tested on and the number was 615. I don't know what I have 77 of and has 615 of, but there's probably something. In

Ali Ryder


  • Fixed the “Display Client Vitals” right being associated to the wrong right.

Rights to Client Vitals

When we assign rights to a user, either via individual rights or a Template, sometimes the rights related to client vitals don't apply properly. So in the section Client Details > Vitals, there are 4 rights. I commonly want to assign Add Vitals, Edit Vitals, and Display Vitals, but not Ability to Hide Clients. If I individually check off the rights, then the user won't actually have access to the Vitals tab. However, if I hit the "select all" parent right, and then remove Ability to Hide Clients, the rights the user has end up being exactly the same, but it works properly in that case. So there's something misconfigured, but I don't know what exactly. Here's a video:

Ali Ryder


  • Resolved issue where client search was not generating expected results.

Client Search not working as expected

The Client Search is really different than in our current production version ( Is it working the way you expect it to? For example, to get to my client John William Test (Alias 1 Jonathan Silly Pants), it no longer works to search jo te or wi pa. john test doesn't work either, you have to type in test, john. But jonathan silly works. Is that by design? Absurdly, han sil works.

Kristina N


  • Fixed Alias 2 field not being searchable.
  • Improved performance for Client Search by optimizing Racial Identity handling.
  • Added an option to divert a client after their file has been created.

Coordinated Access

  • Reduced the number of decimal places in percentage housing history to two.
  • Missing data points now appear as "0" or "unknown".
  • Added a new rights option to allow users to access the Coordinated Access Summary.


  • Added the ability to return the diversion workflow instructions to the default text.
  • Added Diversion to the list of activities.

Diversion does not count as activity

Adding a Diversion record does not make a client active or keep a client active

Ali Ryder


  • Added a "Housed Safely" question to page 3 of the diversion workflow.

Housed Safely Last Night missing from workflow

On the Diversion Attempt screen (one-page version) there is a field called "Housed Safely Last Night" However, I'm noticing that the same field is not present anywhere in the Diversion Workflow, not on any page. I believe it should be on page 3, which is about Last Night's Housing.

Ali Ryder


  • Added the ability to create a new person (People) from the diversion form.
  • Added Housing History preview to the standard Diversion form.
  • Diversion records are now listed when a family member has been added to the diversion form.
  • Fixed date fields in HIFIS_Services to correctly use the diversion record date instead of the created date.


  • Resolved issue where the number of anonymous clients resets after editing an encampment.
  • Fixed 'Anonymous Clients' label being covered by the associated field.

Group Activities

  • Included group activities in the client activity log.

Group Activities not in Audit Log

This is a duplication of but it’s important enough to merit its own post. When a client is added as an attendee in a Group Activity, there is no corresponding record generated in the Audit Log. However, adding the client to the Group Activity does count as activity, so the client’s date of recent activity is updated and if they were inactive, they become active once more.

Ali Ryder



  • Added the ability to delete documents in incident records.

Look-up Tables

  • Updated look-up values to align with the Homelessness Glossary for Communities terminology.
  • Added "Dosage Type" to the list of look-up tables to allow uses to customize the values.

Medication Dispensing

  • Changed 'Pill Count' label to 'Unit Count' to accommodate different types of medication.
  • Allowed medication dispensing for clients that aren't admitted to a Service Provider. Note: Only the service provider who is the owner of the medication record will be able to dispense medication to a client.


  • Added a filter to view outreach service records within a specific time frame.
  • Introduced a non-map view for locations attached to outreach services.

PiT Count

  • Updated the PiT Count module with the 2024 version of the survey.
  • Added validation to Question 3 of the survey to screen out respondents below the age of 13.
  • Limited possible answers for Question 7 based on the response to Question 6.
  • Introduced an "Abandoned" button to the Data Entry Survey.
  • Added “Enumeration” as a value in the "Reason for Abandoned Survey" table.


  • Exported questionnaires now validate null values in answered questions.


  • Added proper validation for blank date and time fields when creating a reservation.

Service Provider

  • Created a new table to record changes to Service Provider details.
  • Implemented restrictions to limit user access rights when creating a new service provider.
  • Corrected parent Service Provider list display when editing settings of a Service Provider outside the current cluster.

Parent Service Provider only shows service providers in current cluster

On the Add/Edit Service Provider screens, the Parent Service Provider drop-down menu only shows service providers in the current cluster.

Ali Ryder


Service Restriction

  • Fixed the sorting feature for the "Reason for Restriction" column in the Service Restriction list.


  • Province and city information is no longer mandatory for addresses outside Canada.
  • Updated the DateGreaterThan validation message for clarity.
  • Aligned HIFIS logo properly on all window sizes.

Display issue on HIFIS header on login screen

I noticed when I resized my browser, my v60 instance is no longer displaying aligned. My browser width at the time was about 980px.

Ali Ryder


  • Fixed incorrect link in the Housing History out-of-date banner.


  • Ensured turn aways list shows records when a client is added as a family member.


  • Fixed the Quick Access Button functionality in the new HIFIS update.
  • Corrected the password reset URL to include the missing prefix.

Reset Password Link broken

In 4.0.60, when users are sent a password reset link, the host (first) portion of the URL is missing. For example, it will say: "Please click the following link to reset your password: /Account/ResetPassword/123456" Instead of the necessary: ""

Sara L



  • Updated the Veteran module to allow for better data capturing.
  • Added a "Referred to VAC" date field in the Veteran Summary form.
Screenshot 2024-04-15 131457


Database Changes

New Tables:

  • HIFIS_OrganizationDetailsChanges
  • HIFIS_OrganizationDetails_FieldTypes
  • HIFIS_VeteransSummary
  • HIFIS_VeteranStatusVerificationTypes
  • HIFIS_VeteranStatusVerificationTypes_SP
  • HIFIS_ReferredVACClientTypes
  • HIFIS_ExistingVACClientTypes


New Known Issues


Editing Client Vitals sets Chronically Homeless Status to 'No'

When editing a client’s vitals in HIFIS and 60.4, the HIFIS application sets the client’s Chronically Homeless status to ‘No’, regardless of the client's current Chronically Homeless status. This may cause the Chronically Homeless status of some clients to be reported incorrectly by the application. Ticket 14971.

Ryan B



Financial Profile records duplicating

In testing 60.3 we have found an issue with records duplicating under the Financial Profile area. This appears to be affecting all 4 tabs within the Financial Profile section. Whenever you add a record under Income, Expenses, Assets or Debts when there is already a record, the new record is added multiple times. For example, I added a “Employment - Casual" record under Incomes on client # 5624 on the demo site. Adding the first record seems to work properly.I then added a new income record for “OW” and two were createdI then added another new record for “Panhandling” which was created 3 times.Adding a fourth record for “Disability Benefits” resulted in 4 records being created

Christie S



Case Management > View All Session Details Blank

In testing 60.3 we have found an issue with the “View All Session Details” button in the Case Management area. To see this, create a new case management record, or open a client that already has an open case management record, either from Front Desk > Case Management, or from Client Management > Case Management. Then Click on the Display button to view the details. What we expect to see here is a summary of all sessions attached to the case management record. In our production environment (v4. we see a summary of all sessions attached to the case management record.

Christie S



Updating to 60.3 or 60.4 is slow

Updating to 60.2 is slow because 60.2 introduces a new script that calculates chronicity for all clients, and takes ages. But we would expect that updating from 60.2 --> 60.3 or 60.3 --> 60.4 should run more quickly, right? Turns out that the update scripts to 60.3 and 60.4 will re-run the chronicity script introduced in causing unnecessary slowness during update.

Ali Ryder


Ongoing Known Issues


Housing Status: Incorrectly displaying as "Unknown"

Known bug that happens a LOT! Clients show up as “Unknown” housing status even when there is data that should give them a different status! More detail in the comments.

Ali Ryder
In progress



Chronic Homelessness mismatch

We updated our production environment to build 60.3 on Wednesday and have noticed some inconsistencies between the “Chronic Homelessness Y/N” field from the CA module and what is reported under the new “Chronically Homeless” Yes/No field available on the client profile. We use the CA module in order to run our local prioritization, so it’s important that we understand how it’s working and why the Y/N fields aren’t matching with what HIFIS is saying for the client on their profile. This example client shows “Yes” for the new Chronically Homeless field on the client profile. Please see the relevant housing history for this client below as well. From the CA Module, looking for this same client, he is reporting “N” under Chronic Homelessness Y/N. Here is a query demonstrating the relevant fields: SELECT CA.ClientID ,CA.HomelessIn365Days ,CA.HomelessIn1095Days ,CA.ChronicallyHomelessYN FROM vw_CoordinatedAccess as CA WHERE ClientID = 125 I am attempting to troubleshoot to trace the issue back to the source, but I thought I would start by reporting it and provide a sample query to the devs to demonstrate the issue. SELECT CA.ClientID ,CA.HomelessIn365Days ,CA.HomelessIn1095Days ,CA.ChronicallyHomelessYN as CAChronicallyHomelessYN ,HIFIS_Clients.IsChronicallyHomelessYN as ClientProfileChronicallyHomelessYN FROM vw_CoordinatedAccess as CA INNER JOIN HIFIS_Clients on CA.ClientID = HIFIS_Clients.clientID WHERE CA.ChronicallyHomelessYN <> HIFIS_Clients.IsChronicallyHomelessYN The following query is currently giving us 126 results (with 1376 total results from vw_CoordinatedAccess). 69 of the 126 are showing Y for Chronic in the CA Module, and N for Chronic on the client profile. The remaining 57 are showing N for Chronic in the CA Module, and Y for Chronic on the client profile.

Christie S

